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India is part of the continent of Asia. The world's highest mountain range, the Himalaya, rises in the north. The southeast is bordered by the Bay of Bengal, and the southwest is bordered by the Arabian Sea. India is a large and diverse polyglot nation whose tempo of life varies from region to region and from community to community. Most of India forms a peninsula, which means it is surrounded by water on three sides. India is a very spiritual country. It has no official religion, but more tha...

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Bhutan is located in the lap of eastern Himalayas with an area of 47,000 sq km between powerful neighbors China and India. It is a tiny, landlocked country also called Druk Yul, means "Land of the Thunder Dragon". The mysterious and enchanting names of Bhutan is also known as “The kingdom in the Sky” and “The Land of the Hidden Treasures”. Bhutan is popular for its culture, history, legend and biodiversity. The lush valleys, Snowcapped Himalayan Peaks, remote landscape, dense forest, Hi...

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Tibet is the highest plateau on the earth with an average height of 5000 meter above sea level. It is the historical residence of Sherpa, Tamang, Monpa, and Lhoba people and right now it is occupied by Han Chinese and Hui People. The north section of the highest Mountain of the World, Everest (8,848m) is situated in Tibet with many silver Mountain Peaks, Lakes, flat land, high passes, ancient Buddhist Monasteries and breathtaking high altitude walk. Tibet is control by China or it is oppressed ...

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