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Dhaulagiri Region

Dhaulagiri 02

Trekking in the Dhaulagiri region of Nepal is a thrilling adventure that offers stunning mountain scenery, remote villages, and a challenging trekking experience. Dhaulagiri region trekking covers Dhaulagiri Circuit Trek as it is one of the lesser-known but incredibly rewarding treks in the country.

The Dhaulagiri region is located in western Nepal and is known for its towering peaks, including Dhaulagiri I, the seventh highest mountain in the world. Trekkers in this region are treated to pristine wilderness, dramatic landscapes, and the opportunity to experience the culture of the local communities.

Dhaulagiri trek offers awe-inspiring views of Dhaulagiri I, which stands at 8,167 meters (26,795 feet). The close proximity to this massive mountain is a highlight for trekkers. Unlike some of the more popular trekking routes in Nepal, the Dhaulagiri Circuit Trek is relatively less crowded, providing a more peaceful and authentic trekking experience. This trek is known for its challenging and varied terrain, including steep ascents, high mountain passes, and glacier crossings. It's recommended for experienced trekkers looking for an adventure.


  • 19 Days
  • Min Pax: 2-100
  • Nepal
Dhaulagiri Round Trekking

Dhaulagiri Round Trekking is one of the adventure, challenging and strenuous trekking destinati...